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Healthy Lunch Box

ebook 2 - Saudavel Lunch Box.jpg

The healthy lunch box module has 25 different recipes, including sweet and savory! Practical and delicious to help parents and guardians send lunch boxes. Including preparations that can be sent for collective snacks. In all modules we work on the issue of food safety and quality control.

“This product does not replace professional advice. Always consult a healthcare professional regarding health matters.”


  • @larissabrandao_nutri - Larissa Brandão

  • @rebecascaravelli - Rebeca Scaravelli

  • @nutribaby - Fabiola Netto

  • @kilsongomesnutri - Kilson Gomes

  • @gerarenutrir - Layla Ahmad

  • @fernandabarros_nutri - Fernanda Barros

  • @helen_nutri_infantil - Helen Paiva

  • @nutriempediatria - Gleyce Melo


Âncora 1

What's in this ebook?

Practical foods about Healthy Lunchbox

Practicality in everyday life

Suggestions for school and collective snacks

Creative and tasty ideas for children

25 recipes to make dads' lives easier with simple recipes for a healthy lunch box

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